Emma: Episode 3, Chapters 11-15

In this episode, we read chapters 11 to 15 of Emma. We talk about the introduction of John and Isabella Knightley, how Emma really doesn’t understand the social world, the clash between Isabella and Mr Woodhouse about health – and how Emma and Mr Knightley are running interference – and the way in which the Frank/Jane plot is beginning to be introduced before the Harriet/Mr Elton plot is resolved.

The character we discuss is Mr Elton, and then Ellen talks about apothecaries. In the popular culture section, Harriet talks about the 1996 ITV telemovie adaptation of Emma.

Things we mention:

General discussion:

  • Google Map of Emma locations
    • Blue is Knightleys and Woodhouses
    • Red is Westons and Churchills
    • Yellow is Campbells, Dixons and Jane Fairfax
    • (Orange is used for Weymouth, where Frank Churchill and Jane Fairfax met)
    • Purple is Eltons
    • Brown is Martins
    • Green is other locations mentioned, visited or lived in

Character discussion:

Historical discussion:

Popular culture discussion:

  • Main version considered:
    • ITV, Emma (1996) – starring Kate Beckinsale and Mark Strong
  • Other versions mentioned
    • BBC, Emma (1972) – starring Doran Godwin and John Carson
    • Miramax, Emma (1996) – starring Gwyneth Paltrow and Jeremy Northam

Creative commons music used:

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