Sense and Sensibility: Episode 9, Chapters 42-46

In this episode, we read Chapters 42 to 46 of Sense and Sensibility. We talk about how Marianne’s illness is presented (including the un-dramatic way in which she gets sick, and the lack of emotional response), what Colonel Brandon could be doing all day, how Mrs Dashwood is pushing Colonel Brandon and Marianne together, and Jane Austen’s use of grotesques.

We discuss Willoughby (with a digression onto Miss Grey), and Ellen talks about medical practitioners in the early nineteenth century. Harriet reviews how the popular culture versions deal with some of the key events in these chapters: how Marianne gets sick, Willoughby’s visit, and the development of a relationship between Marianne and Colonel Brandon.

Things we mention:


Adaptations of the book:

Modernisations of the book:

Creative commons music used:

1 thought on “<em>Sense and Sensibility</em>: Episode 9, Chapters 42-46”

  1. I have been listening to podcasts as one of my stay-at-home hobbies and yours is my favorite because you’re grown up. I’m 66, and I often feel that commentators are too young to understand human character and choices well. You’re both wonderful and it’s a treat to listen to you, usually while I’m eating chocolate in a hot bath. Thank you so much!


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